Intoeing: What You Need to Know

Encountering child foot problems in your little ones is often a cause for concern, but the good news is that they don’t need to be a cause of massive anxiety. Pediatric foot care has come a long way, and this means that conditions such as intoeing are now both widely understood and easily dealt with.

While intoeing can come from a number of sources, the right pediatric foot care can help solve this and countless other child foot problems. This article will explore what intoeing is, the possible causes, and how best to overcome it.

What is Intoeing?

As the name implies, intoeing is when a child’s feet – or anyone’s feet – point inwards in such a way that their toes are tilted towards one another, rather than naturally facing forwards.

It is not a serious condition, but it is something that professionals in the world of pediatric foot care deal with very often, which means that it is relatively easy to solve – the only piece of the puzzle is what has caused intoeing for the young patient in question.

Intoeing on a young child

What Causes Intoeing?

Intoeing can come from a number of factors, including something as simple as improper posture during a child’s formative years.

Other times, such child foot problems occur due to medical reasons, but these are very rarely very serious. Above all, don’t be put off by their complex-sounding medical names!

Intoeing caused by Metatarsus Adductus, for example, arises because of how your child rested in the womb, causing their feet to form at unnatural inward angles.

Intoeing caused by Tibial Torsion happens when a toddler’s shins have grown in such a way that they have twisted, causing feet to point inwards toward one another.

Intoeing caused by Femoral Anteversion is similar to the above example for Tibial Torsion – except that it happens due to a twist in the upper leg bones instead.

When Should I be Concerned About Intoeing?

Although intoeing is not one of the most serious child foot problems, it is also something that is best addressed as soon as possible – if only to help your little one get a solid start and a decent quality of life in their formative years.

If you notice that your child has intoeing that is pretty severe – that the feet noticeably and rather dramatically point inward, even to the extent that it affects their posture or ability to walk confidently and balance at a standstill – it is time to talk to our pediatric foot care professional.

If your child is showing symptoms of intoeing at age 10 or above, it is time to speak with us.

Child getting treatment for intoeing

What are the Treatment Options for Intoeing?

The good news is that intoeing is one of the most common child foot problems that pediatric foot care professionals face. However, although the treatments for intoeing are relatively easy, they vary somewhat due to the cause.

In other words, there is no one size fits all solution. Rather, a healthcare professional dealing with child foot problems like intoeing determines what the source of the issue is – and from there, the best treatment is provided.

Here are a few examples.

Metatarsus Adductus

Because this is one of the child foot problems that can occur most readily in the womb or soon after being born, Metatarsus Adductus is an issue that is frequently seen in babies.

Because the womb is naturally quite a restrictive environment as a baby grows during the pregnancy period, their feet can accidentally bend inward halfway through to ‘tuck in’ and stay comfortable.

By age six to age nine months or so, Metatarsus Adductus should correct naturally as your child grows – enjoying the far greater roominess that comes with being out in the world with you.

However, if a natural correction doesn’t occur, pediatric foot care specialists have developed shoes or leg braces that can help coax the condition to correct naturally.

Tibial Torsion

Tibial Torsion occurs because the tibia – the lower leg bone – grows and twists accidentally in such a way that the feet are inadvertently turned towards one another as your child grows.

As with many other intoeing conditions like this, this is one of those child foot problems that can naturally correct over time – although it is best not to take for granted that this will be the case.

In fact, between the ages of 8 and 10 years old, Tibial Torsion is one of those child foot problems that you ought to definitely seek pediatric foot care for. It’s possible that surgery could be required.

Femoral Anteversion

Femoral Anteversion is another of those child foot problems that occurs not in the foot itself, but rather in the leg bones to which your child’s feet are connected.

Yet unlike the previous example, which relates to the bones in your child’s leg below the knees, Femoral Anteversion instead occurs up towards the upper leg bones instead. As these grow and accidentally twist over time, intoeing can occur.

While children can grow out of this, it is another of those child foot problems that can necessitate a touch of surgical intervention if it doesn’t correct itself in later childhood. As always, you should speak with Dr. Bredeweg if you need more advice.

Contact Us Today if You Have Intoeing Concerns

Child foot problems come in all shapes and sizes, but sometimes having that extra reassurance – or a treatment plan for conditions such as intoeing – is the only thing that will help.

Luckily, we are right there with you, however serious your concerns may be. With years of pediatric foot care experience in children from all ages, levels of confidence and backgrounds, we can help you get to the bottom of your intoeing worries – or anything else that might be on your mind.

Our doctor and staff have a rich history of treating pediatric foot issues. Why not see how we can help you with specialist pediatric foot care today? Contact our office today and schedule your appointment!

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