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Sever’s Disease

Heel pain in children and adolescents is a common issue that can significantly impact their daily activities and quality of life. One frequent cause is Sever’s disease, an overuse injury affecting the growth plate of the heel bone. This condition, also known as calcaneal apophysitis, typically affects children aged 8 to 14, especially during growth spurts.

What is Sever’s Disease?

Sever’s disease is often caused by participation in high-impact sports like soccer, basketball, and gymnastics, which put repetitive stress on the heel bone. Rapid growth spurts also contribute, as bones often grow faster than muscles and tendons, leading to increased tension on the Achilles tendon and stress on the heel’s growth plate. Tight Achilles tendons and poor footwear that lack proper cushioning and support can further exacerbate the condition.

Sever’s Disease Symptoms and Signs

Children with Sever’s disease often experience heel pain, stiffness, limping, reluctance to participate in physical activities, and tenderness and swelling at the back of the heel. These symptoms can significantly affect their daily and physical activities.

Identifying Sever’s Disease

Diagnosing Sever’s disease involves a thorough physical examination, a review of the child’s medical history, and sometimes imaging studies like X-rays to rule out other conditions. Treatment primarily focuses on rest and activity modification, as avoiding high-impact activities allows the inflamed growth plate to heal. 

Toddler child jumping in a a puddle on sunny summer evening in city park. Child exploring nature. Fun spring activities for small kids.

Sever’s Disease Management: Therapies and Treatments

Ice therapy, physical therapy with stretching and strengthening exercises, and custom orthotic devices or heel cups can also help manage the condition. In severe cases, immobilization with a walking boot or cast may be necessary to protect the heel and promote healing.

Teen, foot and children to relax at the lake, harbor or river on the weekend

Prevention Strategies

Preventing Sever’s disease involves ensuring children wear proper footwear with adequate cushioning and arch support, encouraging regular stretching exercises to maintain flexibility in the calf muscles and Achilles tendon, and monitoring activity levels to avoid overexertion.

If your child experiences persistent heel pain, seek professional evaluation and treatment. Early intervention can prevent complications and promote a swift recovery. Contact our office for expert care and to schedule an appointment. Don’t let heel pain hold your child back—seek professional help today!

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