Valet Medicine Services

Valet Medical Services Help Keep You Safe

At Kalamazoo Podiatry, nothing is more important to us than the health and safety of our patients. That’s always been true, and it always will be. That’s why we’re hoping our patients are taking their health seriously, staying at home, and doing their part to help “flatten the curve” of COVID-19.

Yet even while many of life’s routines are on pause, that doesn’t mean you won’t experience a foot or ankle problem that requires prompt, professional evaluation and care. And not every foot or ankle problem is something that can wait indefinitely for a stay-at-home order to clear.

In order to keep our office as safe an environment as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking many additional steps to protect your health, including adopting a valet medicine approach to our appointments.

Why We’re Open

As a provider of essential health services, it’s our goal to make sure our patients get the care they need, when they need it—while protecting their health and keeping infection risk to an absolute minimum.

Right now, the worst place you can be with a foot or ankle problem is a hospital emergency room or urgent care center. Those facilities are already overburdened, potentially with multiple COVID-19 cases.

As an independent foot and ankle clinic, our daily patient volume is much lower, and we can provide a low-risk environment for our patients. If you have a foot or ankle problem, especially one that you might consider going to urgent care or the ER for, please call us first. We can help.

What Is Valet Medicine Service?

Valet medicine is an approach to providing care designed to keep your time in the office, contact with others, and potential exposure to infection to the absolute barest minimums. It not only incorporates all the current CDC-recommended guidelines, but goes above and beyond them with extra steps meant to keep you safe.

Here is a quick summary of the procedures we currently have in place:

  • When you pull into your parking lot, please remain in your car and call our office to tell us you’re here.
  • When we can guarantee that your exam room has been fully disinfected and the doctor is ready for you, we’ll come out to your car and escort you straight into your exam room. There is no need to use the waiting room.
  • Hand sanitizer is freely available.
  • Strict social distancing protocols are being enforced to the greatest extent possible the entire time you are in our office. Our rooms are set up to facilitate this.
  • All staff members (including front desk staff) are wearing masks.
  • All high-traffic/high-contact areas, rooms, surfaces, and equipment are being disinfected frequently, using cleaners approved by the CDC for COVID-19.

Again, nothing is more important to us than your health and safety, and we know that many of our patients do fall into the higher risk category for COVID-19 complications. We are taking these procedures extremely seriously so that all of our patients can get the care they need comfortably and safely.

We Are Here For You

Exceptional foot care should not be out of reach, even during a community disease outbreak. Kalamazoo Podiatry is leading the way in Southwest Michigan when it comes to providing high quality medical services without putting you or your loved ones at unnecessary risk.

If you have any questions at all about how our office is responding to COVID-19 and keeping our patients safe, please don’t hesitate to call and ask any time. And if you would like to request an appointment, simply fill out the form on this page to contact us.

We will get through this together! Thank you for trusting our practice with your foot and ankle care needs. Be safe and healthy!

More serious cases of tendinitis may require immobilization (via a cast, walking boot, brace, etc.) or, rarely, a surgical repair.

Don’t allow your tendinitis to continue slowing you down—or worsen into a severe tendon rupture! If home care isn’t working, give us a call so we can help. You can schedule with Kalamazoo Podiatry by calling (269) 373-1019. You can also request an appointment online.

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